Monday, April 15, 2013

Personal Trainer Food Days Three and Four

Still digging the food.  Here's what I've tried in the last two days and the grade I'd give it:

spinach asagio chicken sausage: A-
buffalo ranch chicken sticks: A-
buffalo red pepper breaded chicken: A

I had the teriyaki chicken again for lunch today because it was so good the first day.  This cut had a little more fat on it, but I just cut it off, and it was still super tasty.  It's still my favorite so far.

The spinach asagio sausage was less cheesy than the monterey jack sausage was, so I liked it better.  I highly recommend cooking the chicken sticks in the toaster oven.  I microwaved them for a minute and then put them in the toaster oven to crisp the outside.  I think it made all the difference.

I have to say that the buffalo breaded chicken was magic.  I didn't want to bother with using the toaster oven, so I decided I'd just live with it being soggy out of the microwave, but it wasn't.  Somehow I cooked it in the plastic bag in the microwave, and the edges came out crisp.  Doesn't make any sense to me, but it was quite yummy, so I'm not complaining.  The breading had a nice, spicy kick to it.  I'll definitely order more of that one if I continue on the meal plan.

I've decided to weigh myself once per week.  I know they say not to weigh yourself, but I still want to be sure that there's a downward trend if I'm going to buy more of the food.


  1. I wish you took pictures of the food

    1. Excellent idea. I know I took a few pics of the food at one point. I'll get those uploaded soon.
